I am one of the biggest fans of LOYAC's programs and activities; they are doing an excellent job in keeping the youths busy in doing useful stuff during the summer. However, don’t you think that this ad is too much!
Dudesss, I think you can deliver the point that you like to help needy children with a less extreme picture, what about showing us a picture of you feeding the kid? Or show us a picture of you giving him some toys? Whatever!
Kissing the kids feet is not the best view, I don’t know about you guys, but for me this picture is a bit gross! I think it is too much!
Ummm... I'm not certain but it kind've looks like that baby has no arms? So, I guess his feet would be the next best thing? Oye.
could they have done it in a much better way? yes
could they have thought of showing something which is much more persuasive? definitely
is it gross? no
chairz :)
see guys, this is what i mean!!! everyone is confused what they mean or what is she doing in the pictures? my point was that loyac could do a much better job with an ad!
fee ashya a7la o straight forward...7o6aw el bent tel3ab weya el yahil..or feeding him...aw tbooos rasa ....bas chethe ga3da tboos the bottom of his feet...madry bas a7ess enna yakh!
tooo much and a bit sexual..looool ga3da tboos eb thameer!
عسى الله يشافي كل مريض ,,, ياقليبي يكسر الخاطر,,, فيهم الخير والله ماقصروا
i dont Discriminate when it comes to old people and sick children !
I think I know where you're coming from; I think it would be more appropriate if it was his mom or relative doing that, not some stranger who's been volunteering for 2 days. Then again, it may be okay given the context of when and where this happened. I second Temetwir's comment.
I don't see the confusion in the pic. A natural affection/love of a mother to her child.
Even if she ain't his/her mom, wouldn't play with a wondering cute kid?
I think the ad is fine.
يا جماعة انا متعاطف مع الاعلان و انا من أشد المعجبين بأعمال لوياك بشكل عام.لكن هالاعلان كان محطوط بالجريدة و الهدف منه كان تشجيع الشباب على الانخراط في العمل التطوعي و هذا هدف سامي لا خلاف عليه, كل المشكلة اني أعتقد انهم كانوا يقدرون يبدعون و يطلعولنا بصورة أحلى و أكثر ابداعا و تأثيرا
خلوها تبوس راسه , تدلعه , توكله, تعطيه ألعاب,...الخ الخ الخ
في أفكار وايد حلوة و توصل نفس المعنى أفضل من انه وحده تبوس ريل الياهل , يعني شوي تحسسك بالاشمئزاز .تخيلوا يحطون صورة وحدة قاعدة تغير حفاظات الياهل؟ أتفق انها صورة تعبر عن انهم متطوعين و خوش ناس بس الصورة تلوع الجبد شوي!
و شكرا
It's not too bad, it's just bad
حركة عفوية ما اتوقع انه خذوها كـ لقطة للأعلان بس هذا اللي حصلوه من ارشيف عملهم التطوعي
Thats what i think
, ما أدري ليش شفتيها جذي السالفة خصوصا ان لوياك كلش مو صوب هالسوالف بل العكس تماما
ع العموم لوياك عندهم كذا نشاط قادم و بكون معاهم بالشغل و التصميم
انشالله الاعلان يكون مستواه أفضل و احسن
thank u all for ur contribution, after all it was just a coment on the picture...not the cause:)
ما تلاحظ حلجه مغطى شلون بوكلونه مسكين ؟ او يبوسون على خده
نقدك زايد لأتفه المواضيع
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