What does that say? Am I reading it all wrong? Is there any subtext that I’m not aware of? Is there ANY text that I’ve missed?
Then why, WHY FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AND ALL THAT IS HOLY, do people disrespect the sign?!!!

Sure, I understand… sometimes… when you’re in a hurry… there’s no parking available, there’s a certain lure to that empty parking space, just sitting… waiting… BUT THAT DOESN”T MAKE IT RIGHT!!!
Alright… all is said and done… I’m calm… calm… see… I can do the numbers thing… 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… O’ GOD DAMN IT!!! YOU @#@!@! #@#@$ !@$$$ Can’t you at least respect those who are physically challenged? Don’t you have any sympathy for a guy in a wheelchair?
Ok… Sorry about that… 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… !@$ @# !!!%###... fine, don’t respect your fellow equals, don’t respect animals, but for heavens sake… WHAT DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND ABOUT THIS PICTURE?

It’s a man on a wheelchair… symbolizing someone who’s somehow, in one way or the other, physically challenged, and therefore requires, NEEDS, to have a parking spot more convenient than others.
Okay… Okay… Breathe… Breathe… 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… 7… 8… 9… almost there… 10…
Ladies and Gentlemen… Is it too much to ask to cling to the last thread of decency and not cross that barrier… that BIG FAT !@$@# LINE… between human beings and scum!
The thing is… I tried, God knows, I tried very hard to try to see past the obvious… when witnessing such a disgusting act. I gave the benefit of a doubt and tried with every fiber in my body to try to convince myself that there was something wrong with that person who just pulled up in the Disabled parking lot.
Well? He’s walking… no funny business there… two legs, two arms, a big oversized melon of a head (but hey, I was in Jabriya, that’s to be expected). Ok, his Dishdasha needed washing, his hair needed grooming, he might be Fashion-Challenged. But as far as I can tell… physically, he was fine… well apart from that anchor attached to his neck (sorry… couldn’t help it… and I know… I’ll be punished by Gods karma and will end up with a child who’s just a head with 4 limbs attached to it). There was nothing wrong with him… so… why… why… why why why why why why?
There was something wrong… I wanted to go up to him and ask him why he just parked in a handicapped parking. But then I thought… “this THING might be contagious”. It might be air-born and I might catch it.
What brings my blood to boil is that sometimes the parking lot is not even full. Congratulations… you just won the WORST PERSON ON EARTH award. You just made that guy, who parked in this spot for the lack of available spots, look like a saint… well not a saint per se… he’s still a jack-!##.
Anyway… being the helpful person that I am… obviously… that goes without saying… of course… without a doubt… absolutely…anyway… as I was saying. I devised a plan.
It is clear that we cannot rid our country of those people. So we might as well accept the fact that they’re here to stay. I propose that we make a separate parking lot just for those types of people. This way, we’ll increase the chances that they leave the handicapped spots alone.

I went this morning to take more pictures, and I found this guy parked.

Ok… I was hesitant to use this picture as an example, because let’s be fair, there is an empty parking space next to the car. Also, the sign isn’t clear enough, even though it is for the parking space he’s taken but still, usually the disabled parking lots are situated near the corners.

Lo and behold, I was saved… just what I needed…
And then…

Ooooo… this is just added bonus… this is icing on the cake… I love that third guy!
On a lighter note, Jabriya Co-op did find a solution for this problem. No, really… I’m not kidding… I don’t know why the rest of the world does not adopt their solution… Huh! United States of America!!! You call yourself civilized? Well I don’t see you guys figuring out a solution to this disabled parking lot problem! Jabriya Co-op found a solution and it made sure no one parks in the disabled parking lot.

I love this… The Nobel Prize winners down at Jabriya Co-op thought it would be a good idea to BARRACKED the parking lots.
* * *
I’ve said all there is to say… Serenity Now… Serenity Now… Serenity Now!

you know what I started doing?
I actually take time to leave a note on cars/similar situations saying things like:
الشرهة مو عليك، على اللي رباك
I try hard not to "aghle6" :-)
Great post! I've seen and heard about this issue many times. (Read this) but obviously there's a parking problem because either people are too lazy to walk or too inconsiderate to park properly.
great post
must admit though that i've been to alroudha co-op several times and the disabled parking lot was empty and not barracked... but my example is just an exception i guess !
I'm too chicken to do that... i'm more comfortable attacking them here heheheh where my identity is hidden. :P
i read the post, i guess the author hasn't lost a leg... i don't think anyone can say disabled people are lucky. free parking space or not.
mother courage:
well... anytime you see a disabled parking lot empty and the rest of the lots are full... that does say something good about the car owners that didn't park in that space. i think the good outweigh the bad, hands down...
you're right... i think we need an awareness campaign... inshallah after the "5" campaign. :P
and you know what? i don't get it. who's so important that they can't wait an extra 5-10 minutes driving around until they find a parking spot. sooner or later shoppers will leave.
its selfishness thats what it is...
damn it... i'm pissed off again :P i'm all stirred up... i guess i'm reliving the moment now...
"Serenity now, insanity later.." -Jerry Seinfeld
أعرف شعورك.. ياني احساس بالسعادة (و النحاسة) لما شفت الشرطي يخالف كل الواقفين غلط في مواقف المعاقين في سوق شرق من مدة..
Cool post, keep 'em comin'
I stopped being shocked now at what people do these days.
Whenever I see someone do that I tell them to please not park there. No one I've spoken to ever gotten out though, it's always (bas Khams digayig) and i'm not going into fist fights or anything over that but at least I try, and i believe that if we all do try to speak to them, the numbers of these disrespectful people will lessen.
احم احم
طبعا انا ما علقت لأني من ضمن الناس اللي يتعدون على حمامات المعاقين بالفنادق كما كتبت في مقالة للضرورة أحكام في 3 أبريل
أحب أوضح للجميع و ليس دفاعا عن أحد لكن بطاقة الكعاقين تصرف لكل شخص يعاني من اعاقة جسدية أو عقلية يعني مو شرط يكون راكب كرسي متحرك عشان يصير معوق
الشخص الحول معاق حتى لو كان يمشي تمام
الشخص اللي صك الستين و يتعب بالمشي معاق
الشخص العادي لمن يكون مريض و راسه يعوره يصير معاق
أنا لمن اكون بدورة من الساعة 9 لين الساعة 3 العصر و حصران حدي أكون معاق و احتاج اروح حمام مريح
و آسف للجميع و للاخوة المعاقين على استعمالي حماماتهم
you dont spent this much time working and u spend working hours on your blog...
u spend all your day checking and thinking of a subject for your blog and you dont work the way you should then u blame others for not working..
لو بس تقعد 30 دقيقة تشتغل جان ماصار في مشاكل بشغلك بدال قعدتك تشيك الكمنتات و تعلق على مواضيع مالها داعي و تشتغل على الفوتوشوب وترسم حق الموضوع, و لو مهتم وايد بسالفة مواقف المعوقيين خل المسؤوليين يهتمون بالموضوع. لأن كلامك و مجاملة البنات لك ماراح تييب ولا تودي
شكرا و عذرا للإطالة و ثانكس إذا بتمسحه
what makes me laugh is you dont spent this much time working and u spend working hours on your blog...
u spend all your day checking and thinking of a subject for your blog and you dont work the way you should then u blame others for not working..
لو بس تقعد 30 دقيقة تشتغل جان ماصار في مشاكل بشغلك بدال قعدتك تشيك الكمنتات و تعلق على مواضيع مالها داعي و تشتغل على الفوتوشوب وترسم حق الموضوع, و لو مهتم وايد بسالفة مواقف المعوقيين خل المسؤوليين يهتمون بالموضوع. لأن كلامك و مجاملة البنات لك ماراح تييب ولا تودي
شكرا و عذرا للإطالة و ثانكس إذا بتمسحه
thanks for clearing that out... ashwa el jabriya awadim :P
bujwais cleared that part out... they're ok :) ehhehe
we love kuwait:
e7m e7m... she was meeting me!!! :P
yeah george castanza's father lol i love him LOL
you're right... it should be a nation wide awareness campaign.
kila ma6goog:
روح موت... شنو إذا الواحد ينحصر صار له الحق بأخذ موقف المعاق؟
اوووفف اووووف اووووف؟؟؟؟
المشكله موظفيني كلهم يكرهوني... ما راح اعرف انت منو
i'm not a good boss? :(
إنزين انا أرويك
one of these days I'm gonna get a comment like that from my team
Arfana... I'm with you all the way!
lool anon, whats makes me laugh is you spendin soo much time reading the blog Oo commenting Oo commenting again :P
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